Sonoran Living Interview with Dr. Victoria Stinson, MD
Hear Dr. Stinson on Sonoran Living talking about the importance of mental health and yearly visits for teenagers and pre-teens with Your Health Matters.
Hear Dr. Stinson on Sonoran Living talking about the importance of mental health and yearly visits for teenagers and pre-teens with Your Health Matters.
Watch the Sonoran Living Interview with Dr. Arun J. Nemivant, MD, FAAP on Your Health Matters.
Featured on Sonoran Living, Dr. Yvonne M. Funcke shares tips on sun and water safety this summer for kids of all ages.
Watch the Sonoran Living Interview with Cathy Kelley, PA-C on Your Health Matters.
Featured on Sonoran Living Your Health Matters, Dr. Subir Mitra shares information on the importance of staying up to date with with regular pediatric immunizations and well checks.
The common cold is one of the top reasons why kids pay a visit to a doctor. If your little tyke is showing all the symptoms, here’s what you need to know. Common Causes of a Cold Rhinoviruses in the air or on objects we touch are the cause of the common cold. The virus can enter into the protective lining of your child’s nose [...]
For first-time parents, pediatric allergy testing seems scary. If your doctor recommends one for your child, though, knowing the possible reasons for that will help calm your fears and reduce your worries. Symptoms to Look for If any of the following symptoms happen to your child, your doctor will recommend allergy testing. Does your child suffer from cold-like symptoms? If the symptoms last for more [...]
In America, every state has a newborn hearing screening. More than 95% of newborns undergo a hearing test in their very first month. This is important considering that one to three babies out of every 1,000 babies will have some level of hearing loss. What exactly is a hearing test? Types of Hearing Tests Hearing tests are performed at hospitals or birthing centers. They take [...]
While it’s recommended by all health experts that mothers breastfeed their newborns (breastmilk is packed with incredible nutrients!), not all moms can. Some mothers, unfortunately, can’t breastfeed due to lactation failure, meaning their breastmilk supply is too low. While baby formula may not have the same nutrients as natural breastmilk, it’s still efficient enough to keep your newborn healthy. However, some moms who can’t breastfeed [...]
Finding underarm hair on your third grader can be confusing, and parents often don’t have answers when their thirteen your old asks when they should start puberty. While there are age parameters of when children should be starting puberty, most parents are surprised to find out that the earliest and latest ages to begin pubescence is younger and older than most assume. What’s Normal? For [...]