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So far fastadmin has created 310 blog entries.

Party Drugs Parents Should Know About: Part 2

2018-07-09T08:00:13-07:00July 9th, 2018|Safety|

Read part 1 of our article. Psilocybin/Mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms, Shrooms, Shroomies) Psilocybin comes in the form of dried mushrooms or as powder. How it’s Taken: Orally (capsule or mixed with liquid) Snorted Smoked Injected Effects: Sensory hallucinations Intense feelings Personal and spiritual insights Nausea Effects last 5-6 hours. LSD (Acid, Blotter, Cid, Microdot, Windowpane) LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a white, odorless, crystalline powder made [...]

Party Drugs Parents Should Know About: Part 1

2018-07-02T08:00:31-07:00July 2nd, 2018|Safety|

Party drugs are recreational drugs normally found at dance clubs or house parties. Hard drugs such as cocaine and meth are seen as more dangerous than these types of drugs, but party drugs are not harmless. They can even be deadly. It’s vital for parents to be informed about these kinds of drugs because: They’re attractive to young people who party They can be discreetly [...]

Caring for Your Sick Child on Vacation

2018-06-25T08:00:52-07:00June 25th, 2018|Emergency|

Summer has arrived, and your family is ready for a much-needed vacation. You’ve packed, changed your tires, and even hired someone to water your plants. The one thing you didn’t plan for? Your kids getting sick. With weather changes and long car rides, it’s inevitable that one of your children starts to feel unwell. Here are our tips on how to care for your child [...]

Parts of a Healthy Lunch

2018-06-18T08:00:20-07:00June 18th, 2018|Health|

School is out in Arizona, meaning your children are probably eating at home more often now. For parents and guardians that don’t normally pack their children’s school lunch, an entire summer filled with home-cooked meals might be intimidating. Creating a healthy lunch for your children is simpler than you’d think. Here’s what your child’s lunch can include. Fat Yes, fat can be healthy. Experts say [...]

Breastfeeding with Inverted or Flat Nipples

2018-06-11T08:00:53-07:00June 11th, 2018|Baby Care|

Not being able to breastfeed with inverted or flat nipples is an old wives’ tale that is completely inaccurate. It’s always possible to breastfeed, no matter what kind of nipples you have. Inverted or flat nipples may make latching more difficult, so here’s what you need to know. Nipple Types There are three main types of nipples, and all are completely normal. Protruding means the [...]

Preparing Your Child for a Physical

2018-06-04T08:00:50-07:00June 4th, 2018|Doctor Visits|

Summer has arrived, and many children will be attending camp for the upcoming months. Families tend to get caught up in all the excitement and preparation—buying insect repellent, sunscreen, etc. They sometimes forget one important activity that needs to be checked off the list in advance: physicals. What Happens at a Physical? At a physical, your child’s pediatrician is going to check the following: height [...]

Sunscreen for Babies?

2018-09-18T11:26:52-07:00May 21st, 2018|Baby Care, Safety|

Should you be putting sunscreen on your baby this summer? The answer depends on the age. Younger than 6 months Babies younger than 6 months should NOT wear sun screen. Instead, parents should employ other methods of sun protection such as: Keeping them out of direct sunlight Protective clothing Hats with brims Sunglasses Older than 6 Months If your baby is 6 months or older, [...]

Swimming and Water Safety 2018

2018-05-14T08:32:52-07:00May 14th, 2018|Safety|

School’s out and the summer’s here. Like every year, Pediatrix wants to provide parents and guardians with helpful tips to keep their children safe in the pool. Quick Facts In the U.S., drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1-4. A child can drown in the time it takes to answer a phone. Of all preschoolers who drown, 70% are in [...]

Should I Take My Child to the Hospital?

2018-05-08T12:56:42-07:00May 8th, 2018|Emergency|

Often, parents only have minutes to decide if their child needs medical attention. In a perfect world, we’d be able to take our children to the hospital for every sore and bruise. On one hand, hospitals are expensive, even with insurance. On the other hand, your child’s life is worth more than any hospital bill. Here’s how to know when your child needs an ER [...]

Calming Your Child for Immunizations

2018-05-02T14:53:44-07:00May 2nd, 2018|Doctor Visits, Shots|

Needles, shots, immunizations, vaccinations, and all of the above can be scary experiences for children. Even some adults are uncomfortable with sharp metal poking through their skin. Taking your child to the doctor for immunizations can often lead to crying fits. There are ways to comfort your child before and during their shot. Before Explain Talk openly and honestly to your child about vaccinations and [...]