Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Common Health Problems and Diseases in Babies
Babies are a bundle of joy for most parents. They get to experience the miracle of birth and watch their young ones grow from tiny newborns to smart little kids. It can be hard to see your baby struggle with [...]
Protect Your Child from the Flu with Scheduled Vaccinations
Children up to the age of 5, as well as adults over 65, are at a much higher risk of getting the flu and dealing with more severe cases. The flu is just more than a seasonal illness. It can [...]
How to Find the Best Pediatrician for Your Child
When it comes to healthcare, nobody wants sub-par results. Especially when it comes to caring for our children, pets, and elderly parents. It would be wonderful if we lived in a world where this was provided at little to no [...]
Pediatrician Newborn Care
Pediatrician newborn care is critical to the health of your child. Early interventions and prevention will set your baby up for a lifetime of good health. Pediatrician newborn care helps your child to get off to a healthy start. While [...]
Why are Well Checks for Kids So Important?
Kids get sick a lot. On average, a child can catch between six and eight colds a year. It may seem that you are always at the doctor's seeking kids care for something. While it may seem like you are [...]
Is Your Child Due for a Well Check?
Up to 93% of children saw a physician within the last year. A lot of those visits were for wellness checks. Many times, pediatric medical staff will refer to a wellness check as a well check. The overall health of [...]
Well-Child Visits: Why Are They So Important?
In 2020, there were more than 380,000 premature births in the US alone, resulting in a 9.8% preterm birth rate. Babies born during the gestational stages are susceptible to long-term conditions like cerebral palsy and diseases like jaundice. Since prematurely [...]