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Medical Record Requests
No, You Shouldn’t Make Your Own Baby Formula
While it’s recommended by all health experts that mothers breastfeed their newborns (breastmilk is packed with incredible nutrients!), not all moms can. Some mothers, unfortunately, can’t breastfeed due to lactation failure, meaning their breastmilk supply is too low. While baby [...]
Food Allergies on the Rise
It seems that every few days, there is another case of food allergy-related injury or death in the news. In most of these cases, unsuspecting children ingest food without realizing a dangerous allergen lurks within it, only to end up [...]
The Importance of Immunization Against Childhood Diseases
In recent years, there have been multiple movements against immunization in the United States. Some believe that they cause long-term medical complications. Others believe that they are dangerous or ineffective. All of these schools of thought have one thing in [...]
When is it Normal to Start Puberty?
Finding underarm hair on your third grader can be confusing, and parents often don’t have answers when their thirteen your old asks when they should start puberty. While there are age parameters of when children should be starting puberty, most [...]
The Common Cold – Dealing with the Rhinovirus
It is easy to feel helpless when your child comes down with a cold. The sneezing, coughing, fever, chills - the symptoms may vary from child to child, but the discomfort and frustration are universal. While there is still no [...]
Tips to Get Your Child to Wear Their Glasses
Getting your child his or her first pair of glasses can be a bit of a tough sell. Kids don’t like being teased and knowing anybody could call him or her “Four Eyes” may mean s/he won’t be on board [...]
How is the Common Cold Transmitted?
The common cold is an infection in the upper respiratory tract and is often caused by a virus. If you’re wondering how your child contracted a cold, then these conditions will help you provide better care for your little one. [...]