Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
When It’s Not Just Allergies
Having a baby can be one of life's most cherished events. There's so much excitement and activity that goes on with babies growing into little ones, that sometimes little things like colds and allergies can go unnoticed or overlooked. You [...]
What to Do When Your Kids Have the Flu
Your child comes home from school and tells you he doesn't feel well. He is is warm to the touch, and looks tired. There may be stuffiness and a dry cough as well. It is likely that your child is [...]
Starving A Cold – Try These Remedies for Kids Instead
Maybe you've heard of the old saying, 'starve a cold, feed a fever' or sometimes people say it the other way around. It's an old saying, and it doesn't particularly help you or your child when you're sick with a [...]
Infants and Colds – Prevention is the First Step
Treating your baby for a cold can be tricky. First of all, sometimes it’s hard to tell if it really is a cold or just some nasal stuffiness. After all, infants can’t tell you how they feel or what the [...]
How Eating Right Can Prevent the Cold and Flu in Children
Once summer comes to an end, school begins and lots of activities start up again. These are busy, fun days, except for when your child gets a cold or flu. It’s frustrating to deal with sickness in children, but there [...]
Feed the Flu and Other Treatment Options for Kids
Fall and winter may seem like such fun months for children. They love getting outdoors to play in the snow with sleds and snowmen and everything else that goes with it. It isn't so much fun when they get colds [...]
Does my Child Have The Flu or a Cold?
Colds and influenza share many of the same symptoms, so how do you figure out exactly what is ailing your child? Usually with the flu, your child will be much sicker than they would be with just the average cold. [...]