

When is it Normal to Start Puberty?

2019-08-28T09:14:55-07:00October 1st, 2019|Health, Kids|

Finding underarm hair on your third grader can be confusing, and parents often don’t have answers when their thirteen your old asks when they should start puberty. While there are age parameters of when children should be starting puberty, most parents are surprised to find out that the earliest and latest ages to begin pubescence is younger and older than most assume. What’s Normal? For [...]

How is the Common Cold Transmitted?

2019-08-27T02:16:21-07:00September 6th, 2019|Baby Care, Blog, Kids|

The common cold is an infection in the upper respiratory tract and is often caused by a virus. If you’re wondering how your child contracted a cold, then these conditions will help you provide better care for your little one. What the Numbers Say New viruses develop all the time, which is why the body fails to build up resistance against all the strains. That’s [...]

Tips for Managing High Fever in Children

2019-08-27T02:15:39-07:00September 2nd, 2019|Baby Care, Blog, Kids|

A fever is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. It’s often caused by a viral infection like influenza or can be an allergic reaction to certain medications. If you’re dealing with fever in children, you’ll want to know the following tips to manage the situation without panicking. Don’t Panic Seeing your child sick is frightening. But you need to keep in [...]

Avoiding Bug Bites in the Summer

2019-09-09T03:00:33-07:00September 1st, 2019|Kids, Skin Care Tips|

In Phoenix, September still feels like the summer, and the summertime signifies the following: heat, monsoons, and bug bites. With those pesky pests assaulting your legs as you walk to your car, you can barely appreciate the weather cooling down. Because children love playing outside, they’re more susceptible to coming home covered in pink welts. Here’s how to help your kids avoid bug bites this [...]

What Immunizations do Arizona Schools Require?

2019-09-09T03:13:00-07:00January 24th, 2019|Health, Kids, Shots, Wellness|

An immunization is the process of making a person resistant to an infectious disease. Immunizations are done to keep the general public safe and healthy. They are especially important in school settings as children are in close proximity of one another for 8 hours a day. Small children, especially, are susceptible to illnesses and infections because their immune systems do not fully develop until they [...]

Drug-Free, Alternative Treatments for Allergies that Work!

2019-09-09T03:19:01-07:00December 10th, 2018|Health, Kids, Wellness|

When your child is suffering from allergies, it can be difficult to find solutions that don’t involve the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs. When you’re searching for answers to helping your child cope with either season, dietary, or other types of allergies, consider these drug-free options: Saline Rinses and Sprays Rinsing the nostrils is one of the best ways to prevent the problems that [...]