According to the CDC, the percentage of children aged six to 11 that are diagnosed as obese is 20.3. This is a serious topic and one that can be addressed at the next child wellness check that you have scheduled. In addition to regular doctor’s visits, there are a number of ways that you can encourage your child to live a healthier lifestyle. Let’s dig in.

1. Encourage a Balanced Diet

Food is a source of fuel, but for many people, it’s a source of comfort too. It’s important that your child develops a healthy relationship with food at a young age. Introducing more fiber and vegetables into their diets is always a good idea. It can also be helpful to include them in some parts of meal planning and preparation. The more active a role they take in creating nutritious meals, the more likely they are to enjoy a well-rounded and healthy diet throughout their lives.

2. Prioritize Healthy Sleep Habits

A child wellness check appointment is the perfect time to discuss any concerns that you may have about your child’s sleep patterns. Disordered sleep affects all aspects of our overall health and wellness. This is especially true for growing children. If your child is having difficulty sleeping through the night, now is an ideal time to deal with the problem and find a solution.

3. Make Movement a Part of Daily Life

Today’s lifestyles are more sedentary than they should be. When your child incorporates movement into their daily lives, they’ll be healthier, especially as they age. There’s no need to introduce regimented exercise at an early age, but activities like daily family walks or morning stretches are a great place to start. Dancing is another great way to get your children excited about moving and start having them equate movement with having fun. Organized sports, when age-appropriate, help children develop many wonderful character traits in addition to the physical fitness and activity they provide. There’s no reason to wait when it comes to movement.

If it’s time to schedule a child wellness check, don’t forget to talk to the pediatrician about the effective ways that you can start instilling healthy habits in your child now. The habits that are developed at a young age are more likely to stay with them throughout their lives. Schedule an appointment with Pediatrix today to learn more about how you can keep your child healthy.

Posted: March 7, 2023