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So far fastadmin has created 306 blog entries.

Breastfeeding Myths VS Facts

2018-09-18T11:30:18-07:00March 25th, 2018|Baby Care|

“Don’t eat spicy food!” your grandmother may have screamed at you as you prepared to feed your newborn. Those who are older always seem wiser, so you may have asked yourself: “Will spicy food...make my milk spicy?” When you’ve just had a baby, you don’t have the time and energy to peruse through books and figure out what’s a myth and what’s a fact. There [...]

Why is My Baby Spitting Up?

2018-03-16T13:22:56-07:00March 16th, 2018|Baby Care|

Your friend invites you out and you politely decline, explaining that your newborn is spitting up. “Throwing up? Is she sick?” “No, spitting up.” You may be able to see the difference, but understanding why it’s happening can help you prevent it. What’s the Difference? When a baby vomits, their abdominal muscles and diaphragm have contracted while their stomach is relaxed. When a baby spits [...]

Pollen Allergies VS Colds

2018-09-18T11:29:11-07:00March 12th, 2018|Blog|

Most in Phoenix are delighted when spring peaks its head around the corner. It’s our break from the chilly winter and gives us time before the smoldering summer hit us hard. The weather is perfect, and air is filled with...sneezes? While we may not notice it, the flowers are blooming even in the Phoenix spring. If your child seems particularly stuffed up and squinty this [...]

Heat Rash

2018-09-18T11:29:24-07:00March 9th, 2018|Blog|

What are those smallbumps you see on your baby or child’s skin? They’re from a common condition called heat rash, or prickly heat. It’s normally harmless, easily treatable, and shouldn’t cause any panic. However, it can be bothersome for the child and possibly a sign of something more serious. What Does it Look Like? Heat rash happens on clothed parts of the body--abdomen, neck, upper [...]

Why Are Teenagers Eating Tide Pods?

2018-01-23T11:33:17-07:00January 23rd, 2018|Blog|

Recently, the Tide Pod Challenge and coverage thereof went viral. The Tide Pod Challenge is a particularly tragic episode in the series of dumb, dangerous things teenagers do to show off. It vexes the responsible parent, who childproofed their home for babies, toddlers, and young children, but thinks that teenagers ought to know better.  What Goes On In The Teenage Brain?  Fortunately, the vast majority of teenagers do know better than [...]

What All Parents Should Know About Gun Safety

2018-01-16T09:53:52-07:00January 16th, 2018|Blog|

If you own a firearm, you know it's a constitutional right that comes with a good deal of responsibility. Even if you don't own a firearm, your child may visit relatives or friends who do. Learn how to practice gun safety at all times, and how to properly secure guns in the home. Younger Children and Guns  Of all age groups, toddlers with their boundless [...]

Why Kids Need Vitamin D Supplementation

2018-09-18T11:32:07-07:00January 9th, 2018|Blog|

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for people of all ages. It helps us absorb calcium in order to grow strong bones. Since most of this growth takes place when we're young, it's important that children receive sufficient amounts of Vitamin D. Without it, children may develop rickets (soft bones) or be at risk for having brittle bones when they're adults.   How We Get Vitamin D  [...]

How to Help Your Kids with Goal-Setting

2018-09-18T11:31:53-07:00December 27th, 2017|Blog|

January 1st marks the annual tradition of setting new year’s resolutions. Taking the opportunity to adopt a healthier lifestyle sets a great example for your kids. But the act of setting goals itself is a healthy life skill you can teach them. Goals for Self-Esteem Think about your own experiences with goal setting. When you set unrealistic goals, you’re less likely to succeed, and that [...]

7 Ways to Help Hospitalized Children

2017-12-20T11:36:15-07:00December 20th, 2017|Blog|

During the holidays, and when we're considering our New Year's resolutions, we think about ways that we can help people in our communities. If your child has ever had to stay in the hospital, you know the stress and fear that comes with the territory. Families with children in the hospital deal with financial and logistical challenges in addition to facing health issues, providing care, [...]

New Breast Pump Cleaning Guidelines from CDC

2017-12-13T11:15:38-07:00December 13th, 2017|Blog|

The CDC recently released new breast pump cleaning guidelines after reviewing the case of an infant girl whose death was caused by infection from contaminated breast milk. Although these cases are rare, the CDC decided there was a need for these guidelines because they found a lack of education for new mothers on proper cleaning. Breastfeeding your baby has great health benefits, and 81% of [...]