
Baby Care

How To Find The Right Pediatrician For Your Baby

2021-03-09T06:55:07-07:00March 9th, 2021|Baby Care|

Finding out that you're going to have a new baby can be both an exciting and hectic time. From trying to eat all the correct foods and getting your prenatal vitamins to trying to paint a nursery, there's a lot of things you have to think about before your baby is born. You'll be going to doctor's visits on a regular basis for yourself until [...]

What Pediatric Physicians Check For In Infants

2020-02-26T13:14:51-07:00April 1st, 2020|Baby Care, Blog|

With a new child in the family, there are plenty of worries many parents have. One of the most common concerns of new parents is if their child is healthy and developing as expected. Luckily, pediatric physicians have a few common symptoms and signs to look for when checking on the development of infants. Hearing And Vision When it comes to pediatric care, one of [...]

Your Newborn’s Hearing Test

2019-12-17T15:46:26-07:00December 7th, 2019|Baby Care, Hearing|

In America, every state has a newborn hearing screening. More than 95% of newborns undergo a hearing test in their very first month. This is important considering that one to three babies out of every 1,000 babies will have some level of hearing loss. What exactly is a hearing test? Types of Hearing Tests Hearing tests are performed at hospitals or birthing centers. They take [...]

No, You Shouldn’t Make Your Own Baby Formula

2019-10-02T11:30:30-07:00November 1st, 2019|Baby Care|

While it’s recommended by all health experts that mothers breastfeed their newborns (breastmilk is packed with incredible nutrients!), not all moms can. Some mothers, unfortunately, can’t breastfeed due to lactation failure, meaning their breastmilk supply is too low. While baby formula may not have the same nutrients as natural breastmilk, it’s still efficient enough to keep your newborn healthy. However, some moms who can’t breastfeed [...]

Tips to Get Your Child to Wear Their Glasses

2019-08-27T02:14:54-07:00September 11th, 2019|Baby Care, Blog, Vision|

Getting your child his or her first pair of glasses can be a bit of a tough sell. Kids don’t like being teased and knowing anybody could call him or her “Four Eyes” may mean s/he won’t be on board with the idea. Not at first, anyway. You can try out the following tips to help you ease your child into wearing his/her first pair. [...]

How is the Common Cold Transmitted?

2019-08-27T02:16:21-07:00September 6th, 2019|Baby Care, Blog, Kids|

The common cold is an infection in the upper respiratory tract and is often caused by a virus. If you’re wondering how your child contracted a cold, then these conditions will help you provide better care for your little one. What the Numbers Say New viruses develop all the time, which is why the body fails to build up resistance against all the strains. That’s [...]

Tips for Managing High Fever in Children

2019-08-27T02:15:39-07:00September 2nd, 2019|Baby Care, Blog, Kids|

A fever is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. It’s often caused by a viral infection like influenza or can be an allergic reaction to certain medications. If you’re dealing with fever in children, you’ll want to know the following tips to manage the situation without panicking. Don’t Panic Seeing your child sick is frightening. But you need to keep in [...]

Newborn Baby Skin Care Do’s and Don’ts

2019-08-06T23:30:11-07:00August 11th, 2019|Baby Care|

Your baby’s skin is very sensitive and prone to minor trauma, infection, and friction. Special care is a must as the skin has yet to fully mature. Take a look at some of these do’s and don’ts to help you protect your baby’s skin. Do: Use Warm Water Give your baby a bath with lukewarm water. Test the water to make sure the temperature is [...]

Constipation in Toddlers – Learn How to Help Your Little Baby

2019-08-06T23:08:00-07:00August 2nd, 2019|Baby Care|

If your baby goes days or even a week without a bowel movement, that’s not a cause for alarm. However, if you think your baby is constipated, you’ll need a bit of help in dealing with the situation. Know the Signs Familiarize yourself with the signs. If your child shows the following symptoms, then your toddler may be constipated. Make sure to consult with a [...]