
Doctor Visits

Why New Parents Need a Pediatric Doctor for Newborn Care

2019-09-09T03:02:11-07:00October 15th, 2018|Baby Care, Doctor Visits|

Having a baby is both an exciting and scary time for parents. With so many questions and new experiences, the most important decision parents can make is finding the right doctor for well child checkups. Online Help Isn’t Enough Medical articles can be a fantastic resource and a great first step to the baffling situations new parents encounter. That being said, it’s only a first [...]

It’s Not the Common Cold, but it’s More Common Than You Think!

2018-10-12T08:12:51-07:00September 27th, 2018|Blog, Doctor Visits, Health, Shots|

It’s quite easy to chalk up your child’s illness to the common cold. However, not every cough and stuffy nose indicate a cold. Here are signs you’re dealing with more than the common cold. Allergies If your child’s cold disappears once they step out the house, they might be allergic to something in your home. You may have mold in your walls or layers of [...]

Children’s Coughs and Colds: Illness or Allergy?

2018-10-12T08:18:18-07:00September 17th, 2018|Baby Care, Blog, Doctor Visits, Health|

It can be hard to know if your child’s symptoms are a sign of illness or an allergy. 15 million Americans have allergies including 1 in 13 kids. While it’s not uncommon for children to have allergies, it is common to mistake them for cold symptoms. As a parent, you need to know the difference. If you suspect your child has allergies, bring them in [...]

The Importance of the One-Month Checkup for Your Newborn

2018-10-12T08:12:24-07:00September 10th, 2018|Baby Care, Blog, Doctor Visits|

The first month of a child’s life is critical—changes are happening rapidly and no matter how many children you’ve had, every newborn experience is different. A one-month checkup is a vital step in caring for your baby, which is why AZ parents need to seek our newborn care in Phoenix. Here’s what happens during these check-ups. Well Child Checkups During the appointment, the child’s doctor [...]

Fever in Children: When to Worry

2018-10-12T08:12:05-07:00September 3rd, 2018|Baby Care, Doctor Visits, Emergency|

A fever in children is always a worrisome situation. Many people experience fevers throughout their lifetime. Although they sometimes go away on their own, you should always pay close attention to fevers and act to resolve them. There are some situations where visiting the emergency room is the best step to take, and as a parent, you need to be familiar with these situations. When [...]

Preparing Your Child for a Physical

2018-06-04T08:00:50-07:00June 4th, 2018|Doctor Visits|

Summer has arrived, and many children will be attending camp for the upcoming months. Families tend to get caught up in all the excitement and preparation—buying insect repellent, sunscreen, etc. They sometimes forget one important activity that needs to be checked off the list in advance: physicals. What Happens at a Physical? At a physical, your child’s pediatrician is going to check the following: height [...]

Calming Your Child for Immunizations

2018-05-02T14:53:44-07:00May 2nd, 2018|Doctor Visits, Shots|

Needles, shots, immunizations, vaccinations, and all of the above can be scary experiences for children. Even some adults are uncomfortable with sharp metal poking through their skin. Taking your child to the doctor for immunizations can often lead to crying fits. There are ways to comfort your child before and during their shot. Before Explain Talk openly and honestly to your child about vaccinations and [...]