
Skin Care Tips

Avoiding Bug Bites in the Summer

2019-09-09T03:00:33-07:00September 1st, 2019|Kids, Skin Care Tips|

In Phoenix, September still feels like the summer, and the summertime signifies the following: heat, monsoons, and bug bites. With those pesky pests assaulting your legs as you walk to your car, you can barely appreciate the weather cooling down. Because children love playing outside, they’re more susceptible to coming home covered in pink welts. Here’s how to help your kids avoid bug bites this [...]

Skin Care Tips For Babies

2019-09-09T03:21:48-07:00May 2nd, 2019|Skin Care Tips|

Newborn babies have the softest and smoothest skin. But, their skin is also quite sensitive and tender, which requires extra protection and care. They are more prone to skin rashes and allergies than older children, so it's only natural for parents to worry about their baby's skin. Here's a simple guide for new parents on proper newborn skin care. Go Easy on Bath Time It's [...]