

3 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

2023-03-07T13:49:06-07:00March 7th, 2023|Wellness|

According to the CDC, the percentage of children aged six to 11 that are diagnosed as obese is 20.3. This is a serious topic and one that can be addressed at the next child wellness check that you have scheduled. In addition to regular doctor's visits, there are a number of ways that you can encourage your child to live a healthier lifestyle. Let's dig [...]

Are All Pediatricians the Same?

2025-01-21T15:17:27-07:00January 17th, 2023|Blog, Doctor Visits, Health, Kids, Wellness|

You might think every pediatrician is the same, but that's far from the case. According to Modern Pediatrics, there are at least 20 different sub-specializations of pediatricians, not to mention experience and other factors. If you're looking for the best pediatrician, here's what you need to know about how they differ. Types of Pediatricians No matter what kind of professional you're working with, experience is [...]

How Quality Pediatric Care Keeps Kids In School

2025-01-21T15:05:26-07:00January 16th, 2023|Doctor Visits, Education, Wellness|

Pediatric care sets up children to succeed in life. According to Modern Pediatrics, there are at least 20 sub-specializations of pediatricians practicing medicine in the United States. All of them are important to children's health outcomes. Child absenteeism from school is also one of the primary causes of child wellness checks from family service organizations. Kids want to learn, and responsive pediatric care will help [...]

Common Cold in Kids: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

2020-01-07T15:43:46-07:00January 2nd, 2020|Doctor Visits, Wellness|

The common cold is one of the top reasons why kids pay a visit to a doctor. If your little tyke is showing all the symptoms, here’s what you need to know. Common Causes of a Cold Rhinoviruses in the air or on objects we touch are the cause of the common cold. The virus can enter into the protective lining of your child’s nose [...]

Does Your Child Suffer from Allergies?

2020-01-06T15:56:25-07:00January 1st, 2020|Doctor Visits, Wellness|

For first-time parents, pediatric allergy testing seems scary. If your doctor recommends one for your child, though, knowing the possible reasons for that will help calm your fears and reduce your worries. Symptoms to Look for If any of the following symptoms happen to your child, your doctor will recommend allergy testing. Does your child suffer from cold-like symptoms? If the symptoms last for more [...]

The U.S.’s Recent Measles Outbreak

2019-05-22T13:12:02-07:00June 19th, 2019|Shots, Wellness|

2019 has seen the highest number of measles cases since 2000, when the viral infection was declared eliminated from the US. As of May 17, 2019, there have been a reported 880 measles cases in 24 states. What Happened? In December of 2018, a measles case was identified in Washington—the first case in 18 years. By March 18th, 2019, 72 measles cases were confirmed in [...]

3 Signs of Celiac Disease in Children

2019-09-09T03:11:28-07:00May 16th, 2019|Health, Wellness|

Going gluten-free isn’t a trendy diet for everyone. Gluten allergies are real and another name for them is celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder affects 1% of the population. For children specifically, 1 in 130 will be diagnosed with celiac disease. When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, they can damage their small intestine. But how can parents know if their child has a gluten allergy? [...]

Teenagers and Juul—What You Need to Know

2019-09-09T03:10:01-07:00April 29th, 2019|Health, Technology, Wellness|

While cigarette smoking for teenagers is at an all-time low, a new and addictive trend is skyrocketing with the youth—Juul. But what is Juul? Is it harmful? And why are middle and high schoolers so attracted to this form of e-cigarette? What is Juul? Juuls are e-cigarettes that use nicotine salts from leaf tobacco. Unlike other bulky vape pens, they come in very small, colorful [...]

Medicine for Constipation – Top 5 Things You Need To Know

2019-09-09T03:38:07-07:00March 10th, 2019|Baby Care, Wellness|

When it comes to potty training, children easily learn how to pee in the potty. But it's an entirely different story when it comes to poop. Some kids really hate the idea of pooping in the potty that they hold it in for as long as they could, which usually results in constipation. Constipation is no fun at all, especially in children. Is My Child [...]

Vitamins for Promoting the Immune System

2019-09-09T03:41:22-07:00March 5th, 2019|Wellness|

As a parent, you want to give only the best to your child and that includes their health. Young children are more susceptible to infections and diseases because their immune system is not yet fully developed. The best way you can protect them is by having them immunized and not to miss any of the recommended immunizations for them. Importance of Immunization Children die every [...]