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So far fastadmin has created 310 blog entries.

Avoiding Bug Bites in the Summer

2019-09-09T03:00:33-07:00September 1st, 2019|Kids, Skin Care Tips|

In Phoenix, September still feels like the summer, and the summertime signifies the following: heat, monsoons, and bug bites. With those pesky pests assaulting your legs as you walk to your car, you can barely appreciate the weather cooling down. Because children love playing outside, they’re more susceptible to coming home covered in pink welts. Here’s how to help your kids avoid bug bites this [...]

6 Foods to Not Feed Babies Under 1

2019-09-09T03:29:03-07:00August 1st, 2019|Baby Care|

Seeing how your baby reacts to certain foods is one of the fun parts about becoming a parent. However, there are certain foods that won’t sit well with your baby, especially if they aren’t 1 yet. Honey Honey is a potential source of Clostridium botulinum spores, which are able to multiple in your baby’s intestines and develop into infant botulism. Watch out for foods with [...]

Storing Breast Milk Safely

2019-09-09T03:06:45-07:00July 1st, 2019|Baby Care|

Breastfeeding is nature’s beautiful way of creating a bond between mothers and their newborns. However, not all moms have the time available to be able to breastfeed their baby. If a mom is going on a trip, returning to work, or planning to be away from her baby for any long period of time, she may pump and store her breastmilk for someone else to [...]

The U.S.’s Recent Measles Outbreak

2019-05-22T13:12:02-07:00June 19th, 2019|Shots, Wellness|

2019 has seen the highest number of measles cases since 2000, when the viral infection was declared eliminated from the US. As of May 17, 2019, there have been a reported 880 measles cases in 24 states. What Happened? In December of 2018, a measles case was identified in Washington—the first case in 18 years. By March 18th, 2019, 72 measles cases were confirmed in [...]

3 Signs of Celiac Disease in Children

2019-09-09T03:11:28-07:00May 16th, 2019|Health, Wellness|

Going gluten-free isn’t a trendy diet for everyone. Gluten allergies are real and another name for them is celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder affects 1% of the population. For children specifically, 1 in 130 will be diagnosed with celiac disease. When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, they can damage their small intestine. But how can parents know if their child has a gluten allergy? [...]

Teenagers and Juul—What You Need to Know

2019-09-09T03:10:01-07:00April 29th, 2019|Health, Technology, Wellness|

While cigarette smoking for teenagers is at an all-time low, a new and addictive trend is skyrocketing with the youth—Juul. But what is Juul? Is it harmful? And why are middle and high schoolers so attracted to this form of e-cigarette? What is Juul? Juuls are e-cigarettes that use nicotine salts from leaf tobacco. Unlike other bulky vape pens, they come in very small, colorful [...]

Summertime Sun Infant Care

2019-06-28T12:09:32-07:00April 15th, 2019|Baby Care|

For most, summer is synonymous with backyard barbeques, playground playdates, pool parties, and going to the beach. But as the temperature rises, so does the risk to your baby. You need to pay extra attention to what they wear, eat, and drink during this season to help them adjust to the surrounding temperature. How Does Heat or Sun Exposure Affect Babies? According to the American [...]

Excessive Sweating in Children – A Parent’s Guide

2019-04-19T05:38:07-07:00April 9th, 2019|Excessive Sweating|

Sweating is normal in children, especially after a strenuous physical activity in humid or warm environments. However, if your child is sweating more than usual, then something may be up. He or she could be suffering from a condition called hyperhidrosis, a type of health disorder that triggers excessive sweating even under normal atmospheric temperature. This condition may affect your child's hands, soles, feet, and [...]

Learning the Different Migraine Headache Symptoms in Children

2019-04-19T05:43:12-07:00April 4th, 2019|Headache Symptoms|

Like adults, it's not uncommon for children to develop different types of headaches, such as stress-related headaches or migraine, but they usually aren't serious. It's also possible for children to have chronic daily headaches. The cause of headaches in children is wide and varied. It can be caused by anxiety, infection, minor head trauma, or even high levels of stress. Over-the-counter pain relief medications and [...]

Make Sure Your Infant Gets the Best

2019-09-09T03:20:52-07:00March 13th, 2019|Baby Care|

Every parent wants to do their best when it comes to caring for their newborn. Feeding and burping your baby, dressing him up, changing diapers, and cutting those little nails can all seem challenging. But, with a bit of practice and a lot of support from your family, you will be an expert in no time. However, while still in the process of learning, you [...]