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Medical Record Requests
Tips for Managing High Fever in Children
A fever is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. It’s often caused by a viral infection like influenza or can be an allergic reaction to certain medications. If you’re dealing with fever in children, you’ll want [...]
Avoiding Bug Bites in the Summer
In Phoenix, September still feels like the summer, and the summertime signifies the following: heat, monsoons, and bug bites. With those pesky pests assaulting your legs as you walk to your car, you can barely appreciate the weather cooling down. [...]
Newborn Baby Skin Care Do’s and Don’ts
Your baby’s skin is very sensitive and prone to minor trauma, infection, and friction. Special care is a must as the skin has yet to fully mature. Take a look at some of these do’s and don’ts to help you [...]
How to Tame Your Child’s Fever
If your child is suffering from a fever, you’ll want to do all that you can to alleviate child's discomfort. Here are a few tips to help get the fever down. Take Your Child to the Doctor You don’t always [...]
Constipation in Toddlers – Learn How to Help Your Little Baby
If your baby goes days or even a week without a bowel movement, that’s not a cause for alarm. However, if you think your baby is constipated, you’ll need a bit of help in dealing with the situation. Know the [...]
6 Foods to Not Feed Babies Under 1
Seeing how your baby reacts to certain foods is one of the fun parts about becoming a parent. However, there are certain foods that won’t sit well with your baby, especially if they aren’t 1 yet. Honey Honey is a [...]
Protect Your Baby from Chemicals
A lot of consumer baby products in the market contain harmful chemicals. While the chemical content present in the items isn’t substantial enough to harm adults, it’s different story for kids and babies. Their immune systems are not strong enough [...]