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Medical Record Requests
Teenagers and Juul—What You Need to Know
While cigarette smoking for teenagers is at an all-time low, a new and addictive trend is skyrocketing with the youth—Juul. But what is Juul? Is it harmful? And why are middle and high schoolers so attracted to this form of [...]
Summertime Sun Infant Care
For most, summer is synonymous with backyard barbeques, playground playdates, pool parties, and going to the beach. But as the temperature rises, so does the risk to your baby. You need to pay extra attention to what they wear, eat, [...]
Excessive Sweating in Children – A Parent’s Guide
Sweating is normal in children, especially after a strenuous physical activity in humid or warm environments. However, if your child is sweating more than usual, then something may be up. He or she could be suffering from a condition called [...]
Learning the Different Migraine Headache Symptoms in Children
Like adults, it's not uncommon for children to develop different types of headaches, such as stress-related headaches or migraine, but they usually aren't serious. It's also possible for children to have chronic daily headaches. The cause of headaches in children [...]
Make Sure Your Infant Gets the Best
Every parent wants to do their best when it comes to caring for their newborn. Feeding and burping your baby, dressing him up, changing diapers, and cutting those little nails can all seem challenging. But, with a bit of practice [...]
Medicine for Constipation – Top 5 Things You Need To Know
When it comes to potty training, children easily learn how to pee in the potty. But it's an entirely different story when it comes to poop. Some kids really hate the idea of pooping in the potty that they hold [...]
Vitamins for Promoting the Immune System
As a parent, you want to give only the best to your child and that includes their health. Young children are more susceptible to infections and diseases because their immune system is not yet fully developed. The best way you [...]