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Medical Record Requests
3 Signs of Celiac Disease in Children
Going gluten-free isn’t a trendy diet for everyone. Gluten allergies are real and another name for them is celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder affects 1% of the population. For children specifically, 1 in 130 will be diagnosed with celiac disease. [...]
Things to Remember Before Using Infant Heel Warmers
An infant heel warmer is a type of disposable device made up of a non-toxic substance. When placed in the sole and heel area, an exothermic reaction occurs which immediately raises the body temperature to around 104°F (40°C). The rise [...]
Oral Hygiene: An Underrated Form of Prenatal Care
Pregnant women are already aware that they need to take care of their health for the sake of the baby. What they probably don’t know is that they should also pay close attention to their dental health because they have [...]
Skin Care Tips For Babies
Newborn babies have the softest and smoothest skin. But, their skin is also quite sensitive and tender, which requires extra protection and care. They are more prone to skin rashes and allergies than older children, so it's only natural for [...]
Teenagers and Juul—What You Need to Know
While cigarette smoking for teenagers is at an all-time low, a new and addictive trend is skyrocketing with the youth—Juul. But what is Juul? Is it harmful? And why are middle and high schoolers so attracted to this form of [...]
Summertime Sun Infant Care
For most, summer is synonymous with backyard barbeques, playground playdates, pool parties, and going to the beach. But as the temperature rises, so does the risk to your baby. You need to pay extra attention to what they wear, eat, [...]
Excessive Sweating in Children – A Parent’s Guide
Sweating is normal in children, especially after a strenuous physical activity in humid or warm environments. However, if your child is sweating more than usual, then something may be up. He or she could be suffering from a condition called [...]